Being a Knotty Girl is more than just having natural hair. It is a lifestyle. A Knotty Girl is the perfect blend of beauty, intelligence, style, fun, sass and class. You can find a Knotty Girl dancing on the bar but making sure she is hitting the books hard the next day. She can switch it up easily, rocking her curls and pearls or sneakers and a t-shirt. Whatever she does she will always be her number one influence and not let negativity get in her way. Whether Knotty or nice she is never afraid to bring out her kinky side. We set these standards for ourselves and challenge you to be the Knottiest you can everyday. Live your life, be free and whatever you do stay Knotty ;)

-xo Courtney & Darshanay


Friday, August 10, 2012

Race & Natural hair

Okay so I went to a gas station earlier today and a Hispanic girl was behind the counter. I was wearing my hair in a wash and go and she went on to comment on how pretty my hair was and that her hair is like mine when it's not straightened.( It was straightened at the time). I said Ohhh you should wear your hair curly, she replied "I have a perm." I said oh I stopped wearing a perm a few years ago and she gave me the strangest look and continued to bag my purchase ending the conversation. It was strange because when I meet women from different races and talk about my journey they seem to be fascinated. She must couldn't believe that my hair could look exactly like hers only WITHOUT chemicals. Also, I thought African Americans were the only race that struggled with this natural hair vs. relaxed hair dispute. I guess I was wrong.

Has anyone ever received a negative vibe or comment from someone of a different race because of their decision to go natural? Please Share


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