Being a Knotty Girl is more than just having natural hair. It is a lifestyle. A Knotty Girl is the perfect blend of beauty, intelligence, style, fun, sass and class. You can find a Knotty Girl dancing on the bar but making sure she is hitting the books hard the next day. She can switch it up easily, rocking her curls and pearls or sneakers and a t-shirt. Whatever she does she will always be her number one influence and not let negativity get in her way. Whether Knotty or nice she is never afraid to bring out her kinky side. We set these standards for ourselves and challenge you to be the Knottiest you can everyday. Live your life, be free and whatever you do stay Knotty ;)

-xo Courtney & Darshanay


Monday, September 10, 2012

Good HEAD:Kim

This Weeks Good HEAD feature is one of our favorite naturals on Youtube. Anywhere from DIY tutorials to funky out the ordinary hair style. She has you covered. Meet Kim!!

Introduce yourself ! HI! I'm Kim! A goofy, random, free-spirit who loves fashion, makeup and most of all: my hair!

How long have you been natural? I have been natural since December 2010.

Did you transition or big chop? When I decided to go natural, I planned on transitioning for at least a year, but I got impatient one day and just went ahead and big chopped! I just didn't want to deal with the two textures, and I was also antsy to see what my hair would look like ALL NATURAL!

Whats is your regimen? My regimen is all over the place! However, I do make sure to deep condition weekly and moisturize and seal my hair nitely to ensure my strands stay nice, hydrated and healthy.

Did going natural change your personal style? Overall, no. My style is and has always been a mix of classic/vintage/trendy. However, I do find myself gravitating toward more funky/tribal/ethnic prints now that I am natural. Not sure why, but its just something about natural hair that meshes very well with those types of pieces.

If your hair could talk what would it say? It would probably say "leave me the heck alone!!" I am ALWAYS doing something to my hair haha! I love playing around with different styles and techniques. I like to have fun with my hair, I view it as an accessory, so i am constantly changing it.

What advice would you give to an up and coming blogger/vlogger? Be yourself, have fun and let your personality shine through!

Do you consider yourself a Knotty Girl? and why? Yep! I love and embrace my kinks and coils and work with them and not against them! Its very freeing to be able to just rock the hair that's growing out of my head and not feel the need to relax or straighten it.

What do you love most about your good head?(Hair Everyone Adores & Desires) The thing I love most about my good head is that its MINE! After being relaxed for most of my life, I can finally see my hair for what it is, unaltered. The versatility I am able to enjoy now with my hair doesn't hurt either :)

Leave questions and comments below :)

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