Being a Knotty Girl is more than just having natural hair. It is a lifestyle. A Knotty Girl is the perfect blend of beauty, intelligence, style, fun, sass and class. You can find a Knotty Girl dancing on the bar but making sure she is hitting the books hard the next day. She can switch it up easily, rocking her curls and pearls or sneakers and a t-shirt. Whatever she does she will always be her number one influence and not let negativity get in her way. Whether Knotty or nice she is never afraid to bring out her kinky side. We set these standards for ourselves and challenge you to be the Knottiest you can everyday. Live your life, be free and whatever you do stay Knotty ;)

-xo Courtney & Darshanay


Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day!

I hope all my Knotty Girls had a fabulous Labor Day weekend! I know I did!! Partied with some of my good friends, Did some thrifting, Practiced for the 5k and spent some much needed time focusing on ME!!! Here is a little recap of my weekend.

 My BGC and I!! Still working on my smizing, I'm definitely more of a smiler :)

 Carvel "Crazy cotton candy" is everything!

Always a good time with Hailey and Casey!!

Peep the color scheme we got goin on.

I'm ready for the Fall. I love a good oversize sweater.Thrift Haul coming soon!!

Just two Knotty Girls trying on our new business attire lol

How did you spend your Labor Day weekend?


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