Being a Knotty Girl is more than just having natural hair. It is a lifestyle. A Knotty Girl is the perfect blend of beauty, intelligence, style, fun, sass and class. You can find a Knotty Girl dancing on the bar but making sure she is hitting the books hard the next day. She can switch it up easily, rocking her curls and pearls or sneakers and a t-shirt. Whatever she does she will always be her number one influence and not let negativity get in her way. Whether Knotty or nice she is never afraid to bring out her kinky side. We set these standards for ourselves and challenge you to be the Knottiest you can everyday. Live your life, be free and whatever you do stay Knotty ;)

-xo Courtney & Darshanay


Friday, August 31, 2012

Bands Will Make Her Dance

Turbans that is lol (See what I did there)...... Hair accessories are a great way to add a little something extra to your hair,Weather you want to dress up your TWA or your hair style didn't turn out exactly as planned. A cute hair accessory goes a long way. Here are a couple choices if your looking to jazz up your hair.


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Check Her out!

Don't Stop,Big Chop LeiMeredith talks about her big chop and also sends knotty Girl a sweet shoutout!!Check her out!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Kim Kardashian channeling Diana Ross *side eye*

Kim Kardashian channeling Diana Ross. I'll leave my thought about Kim Kardashian out of this. This has the potential to be cute though, her makeup is just giving me wayyy too much and not in a good way. 

RVA Color Run

Color Run: The happiest 5k on the planet

Monday, August 27, 2012

Hair Crush

It's okay to have a girl crush *blushes*, just wanted to share a few of mine.

Teyana Taylor
Teyana would have to be my favorite natural of all time. She was natural way before it became "cool" and I just love her look. She switches up her style so much. She is simply a pretty tomboy and that is me in a nutshell. Ooh and her hair is to die for!! 

Curls for a Cause

Knotty Girls will be at this event! If you are in the area check it out. It's going to be a lot fun and information and its for a great cause!


Friday, August 24, 2012


Knotty girl has been featured. Check out Notorious Styles for more! 

Knotty Girls Stay Focosed!

Summer is slowly winding down and fall is approaching rather rapidly. Many of you Knotty Girls are going back to school or back to work. Just remember to stay focused, remain motivated, study hard and limit partying to the weekends ;)


Monday, August 20, 2012

Good HEAD:Bridgette

Our first featured Knotty Girl.

Introduce yourself ! 
I am 22 years old. I've been natural for about a year and a half. I am a senior at Old Dominion University and I will be graduating in December :). I'm on a mission to get my hair healthy and long within the next five years.

 How long have you been natural?
 I received my last relaxer July 2010. February 2011 I cut the remainder relaxer out of my head. I've been  completely natural for 18 months.

Did you transition or big chop?
I transitioned July 2010- February 2011. During that time I continued to flat iron my hair and I got Senegalese twists. As I took my twists out, I was eager to see my curl pattern so I started cutting the relaxer out. My best friend ended up coming over later and helped me cut the rest out.

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Hold up....What kind of girls did you think we were? Hair Everyone Adores Desires.

If you think you're a Knotty Girl and would like to be featured under our Good Head section please contact us at

Saturday, August 18, 2012


To be considered all you have to do is Like our Facebook page and Subscribe to our Youtube Channel.

Knottygirl Facebook

Friday, August 17, 2012

We are now on Facebook! Please like our page.

Knotty Girl Facebook Page

Summer Favs

With school approaching and summer winding down, I just wanted to share a few of my staple items this summer.

Boyfriends, Natural Hair & Vacation

Okay, sorry for my absence everyone. I spent a few days in South Carolina at Myrtle Beach with my love. Had to get a little vaca before school starts next week. :(. Although it was short, we really enjoyed ourselves. This is the first time I've been to the beach since my senior prom. That was almost 4 years ago but let me just say natural hair, the beach, and "sexy time" do not mix. I was so excited that I finally got my wash n go technique down pat but couldn't even enjoy it=(. I forgot that my hair takes forever to dry and that mess was dripping down my back all day -_-. Also it was kinda breezy and it kept flying all over the place so by the end of the day it looked like a birds nest *super blank face*. Needless to say, I ended up putting it in a bun and forgot about it. Life is sooo much easier when you can forget about your hair. lol

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Do naturals do TOO much when it comes to hair care?

Co-wash,condition,deep condition, detangle! These are just some of the steps we natural ladies do to our hair on a wash day. To us naturals, it is not a lot because we love and enjoy our hair.  Most likely we  just bought a new hair product that's supposed to be the answer to all  of our problems. After washing our hair, it's on to the styling where we have our beloved Denmen brush,wide tooth and rat tail comb.You got your favorite butter,gel,wax,creme,etc. in your hand and you begin the twisting,braiding, or curl stretching  process. This may take you a while because you want that fabulous twist-out tomorrow morning.

Once you've been in the natural hair game for a while, this process really doesn't seem like much. By now you have your hair regimen down to a tee! But to the spectators, your friend who ask you to go out with them and you say"Sure let me twist my hair real quick"...An hour later you're still in the mirror and she is ready to go. Or the relaxed friend who is on the fence about natural hair and when she see's you doing your hair the first thing she say's is"See this is why I can't deal with that natural hair stuff, It's just too much." You just give her the side eye and keep twisting because you are not trying to deal with preaching to her about the beauty of natural hair. This entire natural hair process may be a bit too much for them to take in.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Bye before,Hello after

The picture you see to the left is me last year around this time at a hooping event weighing in at 180lbs.To the right you see me now. I thought it would be a good time to show my progress now that I have met my first weight loss goal of losing 30 pounds. In January of this year I made the typical new years resolution; to loose weight and try to maintain a healthier lifestyle. I am proud to say that I stuck to my goal and didn't give up. The journey to loosing weight is one I never really imagined for myself. Like many young women , I complained about my body but I never really did anything about it . When I did try I quickly gave up simply because I was comfortable with myself. Growing up I was always a little bit chubbier than most and my weight would go up and down so much I didn't pay much attention to what was going on with my body.To quote Mean Girls" I used to think there was just fat and skinny. But apparently there's lots of things that can be wrong on your body." I always thought I was just in between but I was more so on the fat side of the spectrum.I was never really called fat (at least not to my face) and the girl you see to your left still had the same confidence as I do now.Though I have a more pounds to loose until I reach my ultimate weight loss goal, I am proud of myself for making it this far. This is only the begining!


Sunday, August 12, 2012

BC Reloaded: Theara

Last but not least we have Theara Coleman, a senior at Howard University, sharing why she Big Chopped Twice!!

Why did you bigchop?
My first big chop was planned. I had natural hair up until I was about 16 years old, and then I got a relaxer. I honestly just missed Thw versatility of my natural hair, so after about 6 months of transitioning I cut it all off!

When did you big chop? 
April 19th 2010, and again on May 31st 2012

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Natural hair daily

I was featured on natural hair daily!!! They feature natural women worldwide and the pictures are breathtaking. Follow them on instagram: @naturalhairdaily or twitter: @dailynatural to be featured too.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Race & Natural hair

Okay so I went to a gas station earlier today and a Hispanic girl was behind the counter. I was wearing my hair in a wash and go and she went on to comment on how pretty my hair was and that her hair is like mine when it's not straightened.( It was straightened at the time). I said Ohhh you should wear your hair curly, she replied "I have a perm." I said oh I stopped wearing a perm a few years ago and she gave me the strangest look and continued to bag my purchase ending the conversation. It was strange because when I meet women from different races and talk about my journey they seem to be fascinated. She must couldn't believe that my hair could look exactly like hers only WITHOUT chemicals. Also, I thought African Americans were the only race that struggled with this natural hair vs. relaxed hair dispute. I guess I was wrong.

Has anyone ever received a negative vibe or comment from someone of a different race because of their decision to go natural? Please Share


Don't Stop Big Chop: Tye

 Why did you big chop?
 I big chopped because my hair was extremely damaged from flat ironing my hair on too high  heat and on a weekly basis . Its was broken off because I was pulling all the moisture out flat ironing and wash my hair too much. At the beginning when I chopped the first time I had waves  that could make you seasick (lol) and curls that lasted for days but as I kept mistreating my hair the curls and waves faded away.

When did you big chop?
 I recently big chopped my hair for the second time Monday July 30th 2012.

How did you feel? What was your reaction? 
 One day I realize how  straight my hair was while in the natural state and I started contemplating chopping and starting over. After last weekend at the return of the curls natural expo I really came to conclusion if I want my hair healthy again I would have to cut it off. And keyword healthy because my hair was already long in the three years I've been growing it since I first cut my hair and now it was at a staggering 18inches . So yes this was a big deal.  my best friend and I went to Hair Cuttery that Monday and I chopped it all off ...I was nervous at first but then as the dead hair left my head I started to see life back in my hair , my curls were resurrecting them selves.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

A taste of Knottygirl TV

Please view, comment, like and We need your support!!

Sorry about the quality, it was done from my iphone.


Don't Stop Big Chop: Courtney Harvey

Courtney Harvey is the young lady who big chopped ON STAGE at the Return of the Curls Expo here in Richmond, Va. How exciting is that? 

Why did you bigchop? 
The easy answer is: I wanted natural hair.. to be able to achieve natural hairstyles.. and to be a more in touch with myself at my most natural state. I wanted to see if I had curls, or kinks, or something in between since I hadn't seen my hair in it's natural state since I was much younger (I believe 8 years old.) Ultimately I wanted to achieve what I like to call "Corinne Bailey Rae hair," or her token big, beautiful and wavy hair-do she's been rocking for the last few years.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Don't Stop Big Chop: Jennifer

As promised we will be featuring a new Big Chop Story everyday for the rest of the week.. Enjoy:)

 Why did you bigchop?
I knew I was going abroad and i knew it would be too hard to keep up
my transitioning hair while in Asia.

When did you big chop?
April 2012, I dont remember the exact day

How did you feel? What was your reaction?
At first I felt really self conscious. I never had my hair that short
before without it being permed or cut in a style so I didn't know if I
liked it just yet. Some days I thought I looked like a boy who needed
a hair cut and other days I embraced it and really liked it. Now
looking back it was the best decision I could have made, because now
my hair is so much more easy to manage.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Don't stop, big chop

In honor of our BIG CHOP this week we will be celebrating big chops all week long!!!!! If you would like to be featured please comment and email at

Don't Stop Big Chop:LeiMeredith

 Why did you bigchop?
  It was extremely, extremely spur of the moment. As much as I love short hair on others, I enjoy longer hair myself. Knowing that  about myself when I started to transition, I just knew that I would not BC until atleast 12 months after, when I would probably have close to shoulder length hair (judging by my hair growth). However, I started off with a short bob and did not have many ends to last a long transition. Also, the longer I transitioned, the more I fell in love with my growth and wanted for it to be the only texture on my hair, even if shorter than I preferred. The stringy ends were just no longer worth it.

When did you big chop?
I decided to big chop on July 27, 2012, approximately 8 months after deciding to transition December 1, 2011.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Know Us: Knottiversary!!!!

Happy knottiversary to Courtney and I!!! Today marks the day Courtney and I big chopped together!!! Big chopping my hair was one of my best decisions ever!!! My natural hair journey began towards the end of my senior year of high school. I was participating in show choir at the time and been wearing a lot of weaves for concerts performances. I knew for some time now that I been wanting to go natural, but I was not sure about taking the plunge to do the big chop. I had all the typical fears in the beginning. I thought my head was too big, I wouldn't look right with short hair or I simply didn't have "the face" to wear a short cut. Thinking back it all this sounds silly. What does having "the right face" even mean?




Dont Stop, Big Chop

With that last post being said, I want to share why we love Big Chops at Knotty Girl. Experiencing a Big Chop is an overwhelming experience. To me a woman beams confidence when she can cut off all her hair. It shows that she is so much more than that (hair). We put so much emphasis and glory on outer appearances, especially hair, but its just HAIR! Think about all the women who sacrifice their hair for religion, illnesses or personal beliefs. It's just astounding.

Know Us: Happy Knottiversary :)

Today is the day Darshanay and I big chopped which was totally unexpected for the both of us. My freshman year at Howard University was when I really got exposed to the natural hair scene. There were so many beautiful natural women and men. I was inspired to go natural but didn't think that I was really ready yet. I began to "transition" February 2010 but in reality all I was trying to do was grow out my short cut. I just kept it protected with braids and occasional Dominican blow outs. The summer of 2010 I got extremely sick and was too weak to really pay any attention to my hair. I had micros in at the time and as soon as I took them out I asked my mother to cut the remainder of my relaxed ends off. I only had about an inch of new growth but I did not care. I wanted to rid myself of this burden and be free. Shortly after I big chopped, I went to show Darshanay my new cut. She could not believe it and about an hour later we went to a salon so she could big chop too! I'm soo glad I had a friend to share this experience with. I hear people say all the time they can not big chop or would not look right with short hair. All I can think about when I hear that is what if something would have been really wrong with me the summer I was hospitalized, which would have required me to lose or shave all my hair. I am so thankful that it was not that major. My answer to anyone contemplating the big chop or going natural is don't think about it, DO IT. It will grow back, after all it's only hair. ;)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Know Us: Better Late Than Never

We would like to formally introduce you to our page and tell you what we are all about.

Being a Knotty Girl is more than just having natural hair. It is a lifestyle. A Knotty Girl is the perfect blend of beauty, intelligence, style, fun, sass and class. You can find a Knotty Girl dancing on the bar but making sure she is hitting the books hard the next day. She can switch it up easily, rocking her curls and pearls or sneakers and a t-shirt. Whatever she does she will always be her number one influence and not let negativity get in her way. Whether Knotty or nice she is never afraid to bring out her kinky side. We set these standards for ourselves and challenge you to be the Knottiest you can everyday. Live your life, be free and whatever you do stay Knotty ;)

-xo Courtney & Darshanay

Bite Me: Rainy Day Treat

  It's a rainy afternoon here in Va and I'm lounging around the house with my dog, bored and hungry. If you know me then you would know that I have a sweet tooth and I love to eat but hate to cook. Lately since I have been dieting,  I have been cooking for myself more often and now I can't seem to stay out of the kitchen!!! I have been making my own creations and finding ways to put a healthy twist on them, but anyway...I made some granola bites that are great for a rainy day and really easy to make. I hope you all enjoy:)

- 2 cups. oatmeal
- 1/2 cup. peanut butter
- 1/2 cup. honey
- add extra flavoring (ie; nuts, raisins, chocolate chips, etc)
- mix and place in fridge for 30 mins.
- line a container with wax paper and roll mix into balls
- lasts in fridge for about a week and a half

Tips: microwave peanut butter for 30 secs so it’s easier to mix and you may want to use a 1tb measuring spoon to create the perfect round ball shape.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Knotty Manifestation

Knotty Girls it's Darsh!! Excuse my absence, life just gets hard to juggle sometimes!! Which brings me to my first post!! Though Knotty Girl is natural hair blog we also aim to simply create a lifestyle. We young women are more than just fly natural hair and a pretty face. Everyday day we juggle school, Jobs, relationships, health and life's daily struggles in general. I know at times all this can be overwhelming. As of right now I am trying to keep my head above water at school, Balance two jobs, Stay focus on my weight loss goals and also try to figure out this whole transitioning into "Becoming an Adult" thing. I know many of you all are going through the same situation and at times it may seem super stressful but it is possible to reach all your goals no matter how hard and long it may take. A friend of mine inspired me to create a vision board after she told me all the great things that were happening in her life just by simply putting her goals on a board to look at every morning. I thought to myself why not do the same thing so that I can stay focus on my goals and put a couple things in my life into a better perspective. I can honestly say my vision board actually has been manifesting positive change in my life. I received an A in my summer school class, I finally reached my first weight loss goal and I had two job interviews on the same day!! As corny as my board may sound to some, I do believe that my personal faith and the manifestation of my board has been working hand in hand to create the future I see for myself. So with this being said I encourage all my Knotty girls to not only keep their curls intact but their life too!!



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